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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SeriesPA 3/8 - CONFERENCES: [1. Conferences organized under UN auspices are at PA3/2/25. All other conferences are in this series. 2. Conferences are arranged by year, from 1967-1992. Conferences, the date and context of which is unknown, follow after 1992]
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- SubseriesPA 3/8/42 - Environmental science education in Zambia: a country paper for SEPA regional workshop Addis Abba, Ethiopia 18-30 May 1981 / M.T. Thomas. - Lusaka: School of Education University of Zambia, 1981.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/43 - Educational policy planning for independent Namibia based on the work of M.P. Tjitendero: working paper for the seminar 27-29 May 1981. - Lusaka: United Nations Institute for Namibia, 1981.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/44 - Education and culture for liberation in Southern Africa. - Gaborone: The Foundation for Education with Production (FEP), 1981.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/45 - Education for liberation: symposium Bremen 24-27 April 1982: ANC of South Africa/SWAPO of Namibia/F. Polisario - Bremen: Universitat Bremen, 1982 April 24-27.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/46 - Second stage science and technology education: a position paper presented at the conference on science and technology education held at the Commonwealth Centre, Lusaka, Zambia from 12th-16th July 1982/ M.T. Thomas. - Lusaka: School of Education University of Zambia, 1982.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/47 - Paper on the production of textbooks and teaching materials in Zimbabwe: presented at 1982 SWAPO/Dag Hammarskjold foundation seminar on education and culture for liberation in Namibia Lusaka, Zambia September 20-25 1982 I M.B. M'Kumbuzi. – Harare, The Ministry of Education and Culture, 1982.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/48 - Policy options for basic education: paper presented at SWAPO seminar on education, held from 20-25 September 1982 at Commonwealth Youth Centre, University of Zambia, Lusaka. Lusaka: University of Zambia, 1982.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/49 - Seminar on "The agricultural economy of Namibia" and "Food and nutrition status of Namibia", Lusaka 24-25 February 1983. - Lusaka: United Nations Institute for Namibia, 1983.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/50 - English language programme for Namibians: Seminar-Lusaka, 19-27 October 1983 : issues and strategies in the teaching and use of English as a medium of instruction within the school system in Zambia I R.L. Trewby - Lusaka: Commonwealth Secretariat SWAPO of Namibia, 1983.
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