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- CollectionPA 5 - Henderson collection
- SeriesPA 5/1 - Articles
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- ItemPA 5/1/46 - 1 National Education Co-ordinating Committee, Draft of National Education Policy Investigation: Adult Basic Education, published by OUP: 1992 Dec
- ItemPA 5/1/47 - Naysmith, John and Walker, Clifford, Teacher Education for Namibia: the innovation of the core curriculum through the development of uncertified teachers, a paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education in Namibia, United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka, Zambia: 1989 Sept
- ItemPA 5/1/48 - Nghidinihamba, Ndilula, Principal, Namibia Secondary Technical School, Loudima, Congo, A contribution on teacher training, a paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education in Namibia, United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka, Zambia:1989 Sept
- ItemPA 5/1/49 - Sanders, Claire, Namibia Sheds Afrikaans Accent with Difficulty, THES:1992 Oct
- ItemPA 5/1/50 - Salia-Bao, K., Experience in Teacher Education for Namibians: the experience at the United Nations Institute for Namibia, a paper presented at the International Conference on Teacher Education in Namibia, United Nations Institute for Namibia, Lusaka, Zambia:1989 Sept
- ItemPA 5/1/51 - Samoff, Joel, Toward Education for All: a development brief for education, culture and training (Draft 2 for discussion), Ministry of Education and Culture Namibia: 1992 Sept
- ItemPA 5/1/52 - Samoff, Joel, Investing in People, Developing a Country: higher education for development in Namibia. Ministry of Higher Education, Vocational Training, Science and Technology:1997 Sept
- ItemPA 5/1/53 - Spencer, John, Economic and Technological Implications for Language Planning, a paper delivered at the seminar on English Strategies for Namibia, UNIN, Lusaka: 1980 X 3
- ItemPA 5/1/54 - SWAPO, Lusaka, Zambia, SWAPO has plans to eradicate illiteracy, in Afrolit:1979 Dec
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