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- CollectionPA 3 - Tjitendero collection
- SeriesPA 3/8 - CONFERENCES: [1. Conferences organized under UN auspices are at PA3/2/25. All other conferences are in this series. 2. Conferences are arranged by year, from 1967-1992. Conferences, the date and context of which is unknown, follow after 1992]
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- SubseriesPA 3/8/10 - NFE [?] workshop [place, subject unknown; date 1987?; file contents unsorted]. - [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1987?
- SubseriesPA 3/8/11 - The Enactment and implementation by the United Nations Council for Namibia of decree no. 1 for the protection of the natural resources of Namibia. A new chapter in the development of international law : Roundtable organized by the Faculty of Law, Free University of Brussels: Address by the United Nations Commissioner for Namibia, Bernt Carlsson, 15 June 1988. - Brussels: [s.n.], 1988, 15 June.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/12 - SWAPO of Namibia: Report on the workshop for senior secondary curriculum guidelines, including draft proposals for a provisional curriculum: Loudima secondary technical school, June 20-26 1988. - [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1988, 20-26 June
- SubseriesPA 3/8/13 - Namibia papers: Working documents, No.5: NAMLAW workshop, Harare, 28-30 June 1988. - Bremen: Centre for African Studies/Namibia Project, University of Bremen, 1988, 20-30 June.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/14 - Namibia papers: Working documents, NO.7: Namibia project workshop, Bremen, July 2-6, 1988. - Bremen: Centre for African Studies/Namibia Project, University of Bremen, 1988 July 2-6.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/15 - Seminar on "Wages and incomes policy options for independent Namibia" UNIN, Lusaka, 11-12 July 1988 [Tentative programme]. - Lusaka: United Nations Institute for Namibia, 1988 July 11-12.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/16 - Comparative electoral system and political consequences: Options for independent Namibia: Working paper by / Mtshana M. Ncube; Collins Parker, UNIN, Lusaka, 3-4 Oct. 1988. - Lusaka: United Nations Institute for Namibia, 1988, 3-4 October.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/17 - Party-Government structures: Options for an independent Namibia: Working paper by / W. Richard Jacobs; Collins Parker, UNIN, Lusaka, 19 Dec. 1988. - Lusaka: United Nations Institute for Namibia, 1988 19 December.
- SubseriesPA 3/8/18 - Workshop on Education for Namibians, New York, 27 January 1989. - New York: The Institute of International Education, 1989, 27 January.
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