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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/1 - Series A: BOOKS: Catalogued Namibiana [a UNIN-Lusaka series]
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- ItemPA 4/1/1/417(NAM 709.68 Lev) - LEVINSON, Olga. Our first thirty years : the history of the South African Association of Arts (S.W.A.) / by Olga Levinson. - Windhoek : S.A. Association of Arts S.W.A., 1979
- ItemPA 4/1/1/418(NAM 720.968 Nat) - Symposium Building in South West Africa today : Windhoek 27 Jul. 1972. =Simposium Bouwerk in Suidwes-Afrika vandag. - Pretoria : National Building Research Institute of the CSIR, 1972.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/419(NAM 740.9 Wen) - WENDT, Wolfgang Erich. Notes on some unusual artefacts from South West Africa / W. E. Wendt. - Windhoek : StateNotes on some unusual artefacts from South West Africa / W. E. Wendt. - Windhoek : State Notes on some unusual artefacts from South West Africa / W. E. Wendt. - Windhoek : State Museum, 1975.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/420(NAM 828.99601 ) - It is no more a cry : Namibian poetry in exile / edited by Henning Melber. - Basel : Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 1982.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/421(NAM 828.99601 Nan) - YA NANGOLO, Mvula. From exile / by Mvula Ya Nangolo. - [Lusaka] : [Zambia Printing Company], 1976.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/422(NAM 828.99601 Thr) - PATEMANN, Helgard; MBUMBA, Nangolo. NAMIBIA PROJECT Through the flames : poems from the Namibian liberation struggle / edited by Helgard Patemann, Nangolo Mbumba. - Bremen ; Osnabrck ; Harare ; London : Centre for African Studies : Terre des hommes : Zed, 1988.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/423(NAM 828.99603 Sto) - MUDHIKA, Cornelia; IIKONDJA, Linda; Heita, Anne; Ndumbu, Werner; Amwele, Thomas. NAMIBIA EXTENSION UNIT Stories from Africa / Cornelia Mudhika, ... [et al.]. - Lusaka : Namibian Extension Unit, 1988.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/424(NAM 828.99603 Wor) - Working in Namibia / Petrus Damaseb, ...[et al.]. - Lusaka : Namibian Extension Unit, 1988.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/425(Nam 839.36 Mul) - MULDER, Huibrecht. Dit was gister en eergister / Huibrecht Mulder. - Kaapstad : Romanticapers, 1970.
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