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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/2 - Series B: UN Records
- FilePA 4/1/2/34 - Articles on Namibia [Folios]: 1982-1984
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- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/53 - Transcript of Press Conference by Secretary-General held at Moscow on 29 March 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/54 - Anti-Apartheid Committee delegation concludes consultations with Zambia, GA/AP/1437, 12 April 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/55 - Namibia ratifies law f Sea Convention, L/T/3444, NAM/682, 18 April 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/56 - Council for Namibia consults with Dominican Republic, NAM/686, 21 April 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/57 - Weekly News Summary – WS/1124, 22 April 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/58 - Council for Namibia expresses indignation at Pretoria Regime for establishing ‘So-called state Council in Namibia’, NAM/710, 28 July 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/59 - Secretary-General meets with party leaders in Windhoek, SG/T/1193, 25 August 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/60 - Secretary-General leaves Windhoek, 26 August 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/61 - Secretary-General arrives in Luanda, 26 August 1983
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