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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/1 - Series A: BOOKS: Catalogued Namibiana [a UNIN-Lusaka series]
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- ItemPA 4/1/1/427(NAM 900.09688 Sim) - SIMON, David. SECOND CARNEGIE INQUIRY INTO POVERTY AND DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTHERN AFRICA. The end of apartheid? : some dimensions of urban poverty in Windhoek. - Cape Town, 1984.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/428(NAM 900.09688 Uni) - UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA. United Nations records. Department of Public Information. Reports of Standing Committee II of the UN Council for Namibia : Social conditions in Namibia. Report, dated 2 July 1984, of the Standing Committee II of the United Nations Council for Namibia.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/429(NAM 900.09688 Uni) - United Nations records. Department of Public Information. Reports of Standing Committee II of the UN Council for Namibia : Social conditions in Namibia. Report, dated 3 September 1985, of Standing Committee II of the United Nations Council for Namibia.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/430(A NAM 900.09688 Uni) - UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA. United Nations records. Department of Public Information. Reports of Standing Committee II of the UN Council for Namibia : Social conditions in Namibia. Report, dated 3 September 1985, of Standing Committee II of the United Nations Council for Namibia. - New York : United Nations, 1985.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/431(NAM 900.09688 Vei ) - VEII, Vetumbuavi Siegfried. Social inequalities in Windhoek, Namibia / by Vetumbuavi Siegfried Veii. - Ann Arbor :University Microfilms, 1983.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/432(NAM 900.9688 Smi) - SMITH, Susanna. Namibia : a violation of trust / by Susanna Smith. - Oxford : Oxfam, 1986.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/433(NAM 907.209688) - SAUNDERS, Christopher. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AFRICAN STUDIES ASSOCIATION.Towards the decolonization of Namibian history : notes on some recent work in English /by Christopher Saunders.. - Boston, 1983.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/434(NAM 907.209688 Lau) - LAU, Brigitte. AFRICA SEMINAR. The oppressed as oppressors - unresolved issues of Namibian historiography. - Cape Town : Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town, 1985.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/435(NAM 907.209688 Lau) - LAU, Brigitte. CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH PRIORITIES IN NAMIBIA."Pre-colonial" Namibian historiography : what is to be done? / by Brigitte Lau. - London, 1984.
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