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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/2 - Series B: UN Records
- FilePA 4/1/2/34 - Articles on Namibia [Folios]: 1982-1984
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- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/29 - Secretary-General meets with Tanzanian President, visits agricultural projects in Zanzibar, SG/T/1116, 8 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/30 - Secretary-General meets with President of Kenya, SG/T/1118, 10 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/31 - Commission continues examination of human rights in Southern Africa, HR/2358, 11 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/32 - Secretary-General visits Uganda, meets with president, SG/T/1120, 15 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/33 - Human Rights Commission adopts resolution on occupied Arab territories, South African Namibia, Kampuchea, HR/2366, 17 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/34 - Weekly News Summary – 18 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/35 - Council for Namibia hears progress report on preparations on Paris Conference in support of Namibians: Approves statement on Namibia’s membership in IAEA, NAM/673, 27 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/36 - Secretary-General to pay official visit to Kuwait and India to attend Non-Aligned Summit while in India, SG/T/1122, 22 February 1983
- ItemPA 4/1/2/34/37 - Human Rights Commission requests IMF and World Bank not to grant loans to South Africa, GR/2374, 23 February 1983
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