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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/1 - Series A: BOOKS: Catalogued Namibiana [a UNIN-Lusaka series]
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- ItemPA 4/1/1/477(NAM 968.8 Gol) - GOLDBLATT, Isaak. History of South West Africa from the beginning of the nineteenth century / I. Goldblatt. - Cape Town : Juta, 1971.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/478(NAM 968.8 Gre) - GREEN, Lawrence George. The coast of treasure. - Cape Town : Timmins, 1973.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/479(NAM 968.8 Gre) - The green and the dry wood. - Windhoek : Oblates of Mary Immaculate, 1983.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/480(NAM 968.8 Gri) - GRIMM, Hans. Das deutsche Sdwester-Buch6 Aufl. - Lippoldsberg : Klosterhaus Verlag, 1975.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/481(NAM 968.8 Hor) - HORRELL, Muriel. South-West Africa / by Muriel Horrell. - Johannesburg : South African Institute of Race Relations, 1967.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/482(NAM 968.8 Hua) - HUARAKA, Tunguru. The decolonisation of Namibia. - Geneva : Lutheran World Federation, 1980.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/483(NAM 968.8 Hub) - HUBRICH, Heinrich-Georg; MELBER, Henning. Namibia - Geschichte und Gegenwart : zur Frage der Dekolonisation einer Siedlerkolonie / Heinrich-Georg Hubrich und Henning Melber.. - Bonn : Informationsstelle Sdliches Afrika, 1977.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/484(NAM 968.8 Hun) - HUNKE, Heinz. Namibia : the strength of the powerless : a dossier / by Heinz Hunke on behalf of IDOC International. - Rome : IDOC International, 1980.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/485(NAM 968.8 Int) - ASMAL, Kader. Juridical aspects of the Berlin Conference, 1884-5 : contribution to a new colonial order / Kader Asmal. - London ; Lusaka, 1988.
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