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- FondsPA 4 - United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) collection
- SubfondsPA 4/1 - NAMIBIANA
- SeriesPA 4/1/1 - Series A: BOOKS: Catalogued Namibiana [a UNIN-Lusaka series]
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- ItemPA 4/1/1/401(NAM 630.6809688 Int) - KASHWEKA, F.M. Farm planning / by F. M. Kashweka. - Geneva, 1988.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/402(NAM 630.6809688 Int) - MOFYA, B. Project formulation and appraisal : the struggle for liberation / B. Mofya. - Geneva : Disa Press, 1988 .
- ItemPA 4/1/1/403(NAM 630.9688 Ans) - ANSCHEL, Kurt R.; BRANNON, Russell H. The agricultural sector of Namibia : a brief assessment / by Kurt R. Anschel and Russell H. Brannon. - Lexington : Univ. of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, 1978.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/404(NAM 630.9688 Ass) - Assessment of potential land suitability : Namibia : satellite imagery analysis for reconnaissance survey of natural resources / report prepared for the United Nations Council for Namibia by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [...] ; based on the work of C. Travaglia and J. Schade. - Rome : United Nations Development Programm : Food and Agricultural Organization, 1981.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/405(NAM 630.9688 Foo) - FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS. Namibia : a preliminary note towards a country development brief : food and agriculturesector (including fisheries and forestry). - [Rome] : Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 1975.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/406(NAM 630.9688 Msh) - MSHONGA, S. Toward agrarian reform : policy options for Namibia / based on the work of S. Mshonga. - Lusaka : United Nations Institute for Namibia, 1979.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/407(Nam 631.3 Ngh) - NGHILIFILWA, Tuyenikelao. The consequences of modernization and mechanization on farms in the Netherlands with an emphasis on the sexual division of labour in the agricultural sector. - The Hague, 1987.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/408(NAM 631.58 Shi ) - SHIVUTE, Vaino Povanhu. Intercropping : a comparison of line sowing and broadcasting / Vaino Povanhu Shivute. - , 1986.
- ItemPA 4/1/1/409(NAM 633.853 Gar ) - GAROEB, T.F. Monitoring the oilseed rape crop by use of Landsat MSS / T.F. Garob. - [Place?], 1986.
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